Afrinvest Equity Fund

Invests in shares of companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange
About this fund
The AEF is a mutual fund which invests in shares of companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange with sound fundamentals and strong track record of above average financial performance in addition to a high level of trading liquidity and potential for capital appreciation in the short to medium term.
Key information
Min. Investment
Lock-in period
Min. of 91 days
Category of fund
Equity Fund
Nig. Stock Exchange
Inception date
Net Asset Value
Asset Allocation
Fund Manager
Afrinvest Asset Mang.
UBA Global Investors
Fund objective
To generate income by investing predominantly in well diversified portfolio of equity stocks providing high dividend yields. The fund aims to generate regular returns and long-term capital appreciation by investing in value stocks with stable high dividend yields.
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Everything you
need to know

The Afrinvest Equity Fund (AEF) is a mutual fund that focuses on investing in shares of companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. It targets companies with strong fundamentals, a proven track record of above-average financial performance, high liquidity, and significant potential for capital appreciation in the short to medium term.

The Afrinvest Equity Fund is designed for both individual and institutional investors looking to diversify their portfolios and participate in the growth of the Nigerian equity market. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the market, AEF offers a structured and professionally managed investment opportunity.

Investing in the Afrinvest Equity Fund offers several benefits, including access to a diversified portfolio of high-quality equities, professional management by experienced fund managers, and the potential for capital appreciation. Additionally, the fund provides a way to invest in the Nigerian stock market without the need for individual stock selection and management.

The Afrinvest Equity Fund employs a rigorous investment process, focusing on companies with sound fundamentals and strong financial performance. The fund managers conduct thorough research and analysis to identify stocks with high liquidity and growth potential, ensuring that the portfolio is positioned for capital appreciation.

The Afrinvest Equity Fund is suitable for investors with a short to medium-term investment horizon. The fund aims to provide capital appreciation over this period, making it an attractive option for those looking to grow their wealth through exposure to the Nigerian equity market.

Invest as little as ₦100

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Anambra State
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